Tuesday 11 June 2013

Day trip to London with friends

I went to London yesterday with Amy, Ellie, Mike and Jonny. It was really impromptu and we hadn't planned anything so here's what we got up to.
(Top left to right: Jonny, Ellie. Bottom left to right: Mike, Amy, me)
We waited for a train for a out half an hour and then we were off.
We went to Oxford Street to do some shopping and I saw an amazing play suit and an amazing maxi dress but sadly they didn't fit well
(Pull & Bear maxi dress £34.99)
I saw part of the outside of the BBC Broadcasting House it was so amazing and big and wow!
After shopping for a few hours we walked up Oxford street to get to Hyde Park to have lunch (one of the longest walks ever)

After lunch we hired Boris Bikes and cycled around Hyde Park
(From left to right: Ellie, Mike, Jonny, Amy)
We only used the bikes for half an hour so that they were free so afterwards we walked to the Science Mueseum (another long walk) and we messed around in the Science Museum
(Messing around in the Science Mueseum)

We then got the tube to St Paul's Cathedral and walked round the grounds and then sat on the roof of a shopping centre and had an incredible view (we were allowed on the roof there was a Tapas and Cocktail bar and stuff)

We then ate at Pizza Express and then had to run in order to catch the train home on time

I had a really good day and I'm really glad I didn't go on the underground much because I get really horrible anxiety which isn't fun!

We're planning on going again soon and we're actually going to plan it this time, so what do you do while in London that we could do?

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