Wednesday 10 September 2014

Net Neutrality


I'm not gonna sit here and act like I know the ins and outs of net neutrality, but I do have a basic understanding. 

About 3 months ago my media teacher showed me this video:

It is a clip from the American current affairs show 'Last Week Tonight With John Oliver' basically talking about net neutrality. 

So, what is net neutrality?
If you type 'define: net neutrality' into google the first result says as follows 'the principle that internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favouring or blocking particular products or websites'.

What it basically means that big companies or people who pay more don't get 'fast tracked' - their websites don't load faster than other smaller websites/they don't get access to more 'bandwidth' than other smaller websites.

What would happen if net neutrality didn't exist?
Take Netflix, for example, they would be able to pay internet providers to allow their service to have access to more bandwidth, meaning there would be less buffering and faster loading times. I can imagine a lot of people are now sat there like 'that doesn't sound bad at all'. However, while large companies are reserving bandwidth, smaller companies/people would be getting less access to bandwidth which means all those blogs you love or small business' in your city/town/village websites take an unbearable amount of time to load. And we all know how much we hate that little loading circle. 

Obviously, we all experience slow internet from time to time but imagine experiencing it all the time. I know I'd lose my mind. 

What can I do?
If you have a blog/website/tumblr you can join in the internet slowdown by getting a code from here:

You can also donate - I'll link a tumblr post explaining that all here:

And you can also help by just raising awareness. Make sure everyone around you knows about the issue. You can make a blog post, write a Facebook status, tweet about it, whatever you feel is best.

As I said at the beginning, I am in no way an expert but I do know it is an issue that effects us all.

All the best!

Faith x

Sunday 29 June 2014

Fails and life updates | 12 busy days

So it's fair to say my 100 happy days thing has been a bit of a fail, the reason being that I've either not been doing anything some days, or not been particularly happy on some days, or I've been super busy. So, I thought I'd just give a little life update.

Wednesday June 18th
I've finally finished school, which is a little bit scary, it still hasn't hit me, it just feels like half term. I said goodbye to my favourite teacher and I left the room just before it got emotional. It was a nice goodbye though, we just sat and talked for an hour and a half about anything and everything. 

Finishing school means I finished exams, my last exam was awful but it pinpointed the moment that I finished so I'm not too bothered right now.

Thursday June 19th
I went to see TFIOS on this day! I plan on writing a review of it (maybe) so stay tuned!


I also made pizzas that day with Amy which were a total success - who knew I could cook!?

Friday June 20th
I spent the day baking cakes and cookies with Amy that day and then we went to Josh's for a BBQ and hung out with some friends it was a nice evening, even if James and Chris had chronic hayfever!

Saturday June 21st
This was the day of Jonny's end of exams BBQ, we had a walk/run up to the Beacon (a massive hill) as it was the longest day of the year we got to watch the sunset when we got up there at about half past nine. When we got back we sat around the fire pit and camped in Jonny's garden.
(A few friends, James, Josh, Ellie and I)

(A run with a view)

(Messing around with the girls)



Sunday June 22nd
Ellie and I went prom shoe shopping, I didn't get shoes but I did get some clothes. We had an amazing lunch and had some good ol' Fellie time

Monday June 23rd 
I had an interview in the morning which was terrifying - I got the job though. And then Ellie had an end of exam party. It was very hot but it was a good time aside from a few bumps in the road.
(Party and that) 

(Not even sorry)

At the party I also sorted things out with an old friend which was lovely!

Tuesday June 24th
The next day I helped at sports day at my now old school while extremely hungover, it was fun though! It was basically Amy and I helping our Head of Year organise all the younger years for javeline, it was a bloody hard task, I can tell you that for free.

Wednesday June 25th 
The day after was my mums birthday which entailed a lot of food! 

Remaining days until now
And from then I've been preparing to go to Blissfields which is exciting. I'm planning on taking two phones one that will be charged that's a little shitty (means good battery) and another that's an old smartphone that I'll take pictures on and maybe vlog. It may or may not be worth seeing my little festival volunteer adventures! 

Hopefully the fact that I've finished school means I have more time to blog, don't hold me to it but I'm going to try! 


Wednesday 11 June 2014

All of the cries, all of the feels | 100 happy days

So two posts today because my post from the other day didn't publish - annoying. 

Today I had my last psychology exam today which means I am one week closer to finishing school forever.

At the end of the exam my psychology teacher came in and gave us all a card and a lolly and I honestly want to cry right there and then - I didn't. The card was homemade so nothing special but it's the thought that counts. 

Making the most of our last days | 100 happy days

I finish school next week and it seems like my friends and I have been spending a lot of time singing in the study room and today was no different

I was going to post a clip of my best friend, Emily signing incredibly badly to 'Big Girls Don't Cry' by Fergie but alas technology isn't cooperating today and I don't want to have to upload it to YouTube etc. so you'll just have to imagine it. 

Until next time something fab happens

Faith x

Saturday 7 June 2014

Day two | 100 happy days

My day two is watching Les Mis in bed waiting for my favourite to come home after a long day

While we're on the subject of Les Mis, I am so happy Collabro won Britain's Got Talent, I'm fully obsessed with them! What do you think about the results?

Friday 6 June 2014

Day one | 100 happy days

I've seen a few people do this on Facebook/Tumblr/Twitter and I thought I would join the bandwagon (wheey). The idea is you post pictures for 100 days of happy things. Firstly, some days I may just do text posts rather than pictures. Secondly, I will not be doing this for 100 consecutive days because I have some very boring/low days that you wouldn't want to see, it's very unrealistic to think I have 100 happy days consecutively. Anyway, let's start.

My picture for day one is one of the many letters that Emily leaves on my fridge when she comes round - this one is to my mum

Thursday 6 March 2014

Some thoughts

This isn't something I'd usually post on here but it is something that I am quite passionate about so deal...

If you don't live under a rock then you should have heard that BBC Three is going to get axed. BBC Three is a British TV channel aimed for 16 to 34 year olds. I'm not upset about this mainly because, although I am apart of the demographic, there aren't many shows on there that are my 'cup of tea.' But that doesn't mean to say that there isn't any potential.

The BBC are axing the channel to save money. I personally think that this is rubbish and if the BBC want to save money then they are going to wrong way around it. I honestly think that if any channel should be axed it should be BBC Four. Why? Because the target audience are at the age where they are set in their ways and know what they like and like what they know, meaning the viewing figures for BBC Four are not a good enough excuse for the channel to still be running. Whereas the target audience for BBC Three are the future. They're the ones who will be or already are paying the license fee that is providing the BBC with the money that they are so desperately trying to save. The BBCs chosen move is going to make 'the future' their enemies, which could essentially leave them with nothing and then it will be 'bye, bye BBC' and although there are a lot of people that want this anyway, I and many others don't want this. 

So even if you're not passionate about this subject, but maybe you love Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents or Snog, Marry, Avoid etc, or maybe you feel like helping out those people that are passionate or maybe because you just feel like it, please sign this petition to help save a channel that is potentially the future

Thursday 20 February 2014

Amazing friends appreciation post

This is going to be another 'I love my friends' posts, so I'll apologise in advance, but this is needed.

One of my friends had, what we like to call, a 'lads night' and I didn't go because my anxiety has been really bad as of recent and all I wanted to do was stay in bed and wallow in self pity - great, huh? 

So all my friends decided to FaceTime me so that I could join in but be in the comfort of my own bed, which I think is pretty damn amazing of them, to be honest. I've never had such brilliant friends and although we've been through a really terrible patch recently, I'm really glad that I can still call them all my friends.

Here are some of my fave moments of the night:
Thanks to Amy, Tom, Tom, Callum, Matt, Ash and Jake for making my evening so fab

Monday 17 February 2014

Monochrome OOTD

Dress: F&F at Tesco £20
Leather Jacket: Peacocks £35
Scarf: I have no idea, sorry
Face: Maybelline Fit Me Concealer in shade 20, Rimmel Stay Matte Powder in Silky Beige, Barbara Daly blush in Nude
Eyebrows: Rimmel Glam Eyes Trio Eye Shadow in Orion
Eyes: Revelon Gel Liner in Black, Jack Wills Eye Pencil in Black
Lips: Barry M Lip Gloss (I don't know what the actual name of the colour is but it's a shimmery red)